which of the following is true of aaalac international?

The skin should be disinfected around the incision site. B. Which of the following protocol changes require IACUC approval? D. The organization, investigators, animals, and public health and welfare. B. Sponsors an accreditation program mandated by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Public Health Service (PHS). A Category E of the USDA report form applies to " animals upon which teaching, experiments, research, surgery or tests were conducted involving accompanying pain or distress to the animals and for which the use of appropriate anesthetic, analgesic, or tranquilizing drugs would have adversely affected the procedures, results, or interpretation of the teaching, research, experiments, surgery, or tests.". C. Husbandry of captive amphibians and reptiles Lethal dose experiments in which animals are allowed to die without intervention. C. Mice will continue to groom themselves, even when in pain or distress. Which of the following is considered a minor change that would not require formal IACUC review and approval? Locked bedroom doors are a common sight in many homes. D. Carbon dioxide should not be combined with premedication with inhaled anesthetics to euthanize mice. D. Those organizations that accept Public Health Service (PHS) or National Science Foundation (NSF) funding. A Good practice when performing infectious disease work in animals includes working with hand covers; obtaining an antimicrobial sensitivity panel for the infectious agent; anesthetizing or sedating animals to reduce chances of accidental human needle sticks; and completing work in pairs. Which is a TRUE statement below regarding assessment of pain or distress in mice: As AAALAC's accreditation program has grown to encompass many wildlife and agricultural animal research programs, dropping the use of the word "laboratory" in conjunction with AAALAC allows for greater inclusivity. C. Major surgery in which anesthetics and postoperative analgesics are administered. A. D. A veterinarian, practicing scientist with experience in animal research, person who is not a scientist, and person who is not affiliated with the organization. B According to the AWR (3.81.d. Along with meeting all applicable local and national regulations, AAALAC accredited institutions must also demonstrate that they are achieving the standards outlined in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (National Research Council, 1996). A straight needle is preferred for oral gavage in a 18 gram mouse because it prevents trauma to the esophagus. The investigator According to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, which statement is TRUE for the use of CO2 as a euthanasia agent of mice? The balloon material has a mass of $60 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{m}^2$. However, hard inquiriesthose that are made because you applied for more To convert any value in liters to gallons [liquid], just multiply the value in liters by the conversion factor 0.26417205235815. We dont know a lot for sure about next season--the leaks have been few and You need to upload documents (e.g. C. The attending veterinarian cannot exempt an animal, even for medical reasons. The Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care, International (AAALAC) is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. Methods for substance administration in rats and mice are outlined in which document? A. C Sterile surgical techniquethe goal of which is to prevent contamination of the surgical siteis required for major and minor survival surgery. Which of statement is true about the euthanasia of neonatal mice? The Council is pleased to inform you that the program conforms with AAALAC International standards as set forth by the Guidefor the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, NRC 2011. Therefore, FULL ACCREDITATION shall continue. B The "Animal Welfare Act" of 1966 is enforced by the USDA and was enacted to regulate the sale of pets to research facilities, and as such, do not regulate mice, rats (or birds), bred for use in research. A simple rule to prevent excess blood collection in an animal is to collect no more than what percentage of body weight as blood at one time? Ignore the size of the hot air inlet vent. A. Cages with water bottle watering systems The exercise must take place outside the building. To provide an assurance by an information specialist that no alternative to the proposed animal model exists. Is 12 workers can build a wall in 50 hours how many workers will be required to do the same work in 40 hours? This is done through AAALAC's voluntary accreditation process in which research programs demonstrate that they meet the minimum standards required by law, and are also going the extra step to achieve excellence in animal care and use. You can get your paper edited to read like this. Withhold feed during at least 12 hours following surgery. A. The European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes, Council of Europe (ETS 123). This is not intended to be a search to support the necessity or purpose of the research. The Council on Accreditation is the group responsible for evaluating animal programs and determining their accreditation status. Animal forms must be rewritten to solicit continued IACUC approval. General or regional anesthesia is required to prevent pain. Write an expression using boolean variables a and b that evaluates to true when only one of a and b is true, and that is false if a and b are both false or both true. Anesthesia of the mouse can increase esophageal trauma caused by the gavage. Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Explain the important distinctions between **periods and groups of the periodic table**. All answers are correct. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee B. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. D. Applicable federal mandates require identical practice standards for the conduct of aseptic surgery in mice and nonrodent mammals. Accreditation by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) International has long been trumpeted as being the "gold standard" AAALAC International relies on three primary standards used by the Council to evaluate programs: UTSA & AAALAC Accreditation | Date of Inital Accrediation: October 26, 2010. : Which statement is true about mice in the age range of 11 to 14 days? A. AAALAC International 301.696.9626 | www.aaalac.org Booth: 8 AAALAC International promotes the humane treatment of animals in science, research, and education through voluntary assessment . And perhaps most importantly, accreditation demonstrates a willingness to go above and beyond the minimums required by law, and assures the public that the institution is committed to the responsible use and treatment of animals in science. A dedicated surgery suite must be used for which surgery? A. C. Studies in which animals experiencing pain are allowed to die without pain relief. In fact, if an IACUC votes to suspend a protocol or animal activity, that decision cannot be overturned by any administrator at the organization. A properly performed search for alternatives will likely also confirm that the animal model is appropriate and that no alternative models exist. the anogential distance is greater in the male than in the female. Which of the following does not generally represent a good practice to follow when performing infectious disease work in animals? In this edition, we will bring you up to speed on AO VET activities over the past five months. B Per PHS Policy and USDA Animal Welfare Regulations, the IACUC is given responsibility for ensuring that research personnel are properly trained to perform animal procedures. Rodent fetuses along with other mammals are unconscious in utero, and hypoxia does not evoke a response. C. Institutional Animal Care and Utilization Corps What does "IACUC" stand for? Which of the following applies to doxapram? where $x$ is in meters and $t$ is in seconds. Which of the following is an example of refinement? Along with meeting all applicable local and national regulations, AAALAC accredited institutions must also demonstrate that they are achieving the standards outlined in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Guide, NRC 2011); the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching (Ag Guide, FASS 2010); and the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes, Council of Europe (ETS 123). C. To provide a narrative justifying the use of the animal model based on experimental data. Pioneers cut bricks from sod-basically, prairie soil as a matrix, and grass and its root system as reinforcement. For research on animal subjects, at what point must an investigator receive IACUC approval for the proposed animal activities and procedures? Dont worry, you wont be the first person to ask. Dose rates (ml/kg) of injectable agents are the same for all common laboratory animal species. The Columbia University animal care and use program is proud to be accredited by AAALAC International, who will be conducting a triennial site visit of Columbia Studies that require gastric emptying may still require pre-surgical fasting. Modify the animal protocol form and keep a copy for their files. Injectable agents cause a greater depression of respiration in rodents. If a procedure would be painful in a human, one should assume that it would be painful in an animal. Which organization is responsible for monitoring institutional compliance with PHS Policy? Check all that apply. Which of the following activities would EXCLUDE an animal from USDA category D? Which of the following statements concerning euthanasia in neonates is true? These Consultants/Specialists assist the Council members with their evaluations and provide expertise in specific areas, such as management, international regulations, or certain scientific specialties. Institutional Animal Control and Use Committee The Animal Welfare Regulations require the IACUC to do what two things regarding alternatives? D. No later than when data collection from the animals begins. A change in principal investigator. typically transmitted from animals to humans? Today, more than 900 organizations worldwide are accredited. C. They become less important B Collection of blood by cardiac puncture can result in bleeding into the pericardial sac and tamponade (death), and should only be done terminally. Animal care and use regulations and guidelines require organizations to provide training in which of the following areas? Those organizations that sell vertebrate animals for research, teaching, or testing. C. Before any procedures are performed Quickly and professionally. Which statement about the Occupational Health and Safety Program is false? Which of the following represents an appropriate technique for subcutaneous injections in mice? The Council also appoints a roster of ad hoc consultants. A. B. Retroorbital blood collection from a mouse performed under anesthesia. The IP injection site is on the animal's right side, close to the midline, in a caudal quadrant of the abdomen. A. What diameter spherical balloon will just support the total weight? A. It is good to assume that procedures that are painful for humans are also painful for animals. The organization and regulatory agencies only Institutions receiving PHS money must follow the "Guide" (OLAW oversight) and those accredited with AAALAC are subject to triannual program review and facility visits. Lift some skin on the back of the mouse, and insert the needle into the base of the tent. C. Once respiration stops in mice euthanatized with carbon dioxide, it is safe to assume that death has occurred, and mice may be placed in an airtight bag and transferred to the necropsy refrigerator. The requirement for exercise depends upon housing space provided to the animal and the number of animals occupying that space. A. Some types of changes to an animal protocol can be approved administratively by veterinary verification and consultation. AAALAC International is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes humane treatment of animals in science through a voluntary international accreditation program. A. When animals are used, AAALAC works with institutions and researchers to serve as a bridge between progress and animal well-being. The skin should be disinfected around the incision site. Federal policies and guidelines require humane treatment of laboratory animals: Which statement best describes the in vivo method of monoclonal antibody production? Which of the following is not a justification for single housing social animals? B. B. Pre-operative planning is very important. Which of the following is true of AAALAC International? In this edition, we will bring you up to speed on AO VET activities over the past five months. Animal density in the euthanasia chamber is not a concern. Which measure can correct respiratory depression in anesthetized mice? AAALAC International promotes the responsible treatment of animals in science through a voluntary accreditation program. The standards in the Guide go above and beyond what is required by law. B. Postoperative analgesia is generally unnecessary in rodents. A. The three Rs of Russell and Burch stand for what? Try BYJUS free classes today!No worries! The 2015 memorandum of understanding between the NIH and NSF also mandates that organizations receiving NSF funding for animal research projects comply with the PHS Policy. ), "Exemptions. Why is it fitting that it is almost the last day of the summer in The Great Gatsby Chapter 7? one of the actions identified in the report reducing administrative burden for researchers: animal care and use in research in response to the 21st century cures act is to encourage aaalac-accredited institutions to use sections of the aaalac international (aaalac) program description (pd) in applicable parts of the olaw animal welfare assurance Non-USDA regulated species are never required to be placed in a pain/distress category. Which of the following is a mandated IACUC activity? However, agricultural animals used in biomedical research may need to be housed according to the Guide while on study. A In general, neonates are resistant to low oxygen levels (hypoxia), and accordingly carbon dioxide is not very effective as a euthanasia agent unless there is prolonged exposure. Which one of the following would be considered the most appropriate action for a leader during the performing stage of team development? D. Shares information with other regulatory agencies like U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW). A. C. Those organizations that accept U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) research funds. D. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), B According to PHS (2015), OLAW "has responsibility for the general administration and coordination of the Policy, provides specific guidance, instruction, and materials to institutions that must comply with the Policy.". What is the maximum number of emission lines possible for a hydrogen atom in the n 4 state? A. Which of the following is a role of AAALAC International? D. Notify the Institutional Official. Weve got your back. The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (the Guide, NRC 2011); The Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching (the Ag Guide, FASS 2010); and. Because of potential damage to the heart, blood collection by cardiac puncture is usually permitted only as a terminal procedure. C. Dogs and cats The Institutional Official Research utilizing animals is a privilege, not a right, and the IACUC has the responsibility to ensure that research, testing, and educational activities involving the use of animals are performed according to the highest standards. A mouse with a moderately painful condition may appear and behave normally. Which of the following is true of AAALAC International? C. While under anesthesia, mice should be monitored for cardiovascular and respiratory function and body temperature. B. C. Dogs, pigs, and sheep. The researchers and regulatory agencies only Today, nearly 1,000 organizations worldwide (as of 31 December 2017) are accredited by AAALAC International. D. Written postoperative care records are not necessary, as long as proper care is provided and treatments are administered. The various behavioral forms that nonverbal communication takes are referred to as nonverbal, Why give alpha blocker before beta blocker in pheochromocytoma. B. A. UsingAAVrh10,Raetal.achievedgreaterefcacyin mice by either increasing the dose via combined route of administration,27 combination of systemic AAVrh10 with . Which statement is true about the anogenital distance in mice? The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the European Center for Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) are primarily interested in what area? Collecting tail snips from adult rodents for genotyping under local or general anesthesia. 3 percent Submit a report to OLAW or USDA. Conduct reviews of the animal care and use program on a semiannual basis, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. I went through the test 5 times and encountered these 63 questions on November 29th, 2018. Mouse urine and pelt proteins are an allergic hazard to people. Driving in the summer, winter, or rainy season may be to blame for the unpleasant odor inside the car. D. Food should be withheld prior to surgery, but not water. D Organizations receiving funds from PHS agencies are required to comply with the PHS Policy. Ensure that the principal investigator has considered alternatives to painful or distressing procedures, and review a written assurance that alternatives are not available. B. D. If an IACUC votes to suspend a protocol or animal activity, that decision can be overturned by any administrator at the organization. Changes in principal investigator, objectives, species, or type of surgery can never be approved by this method. Who is authorized to overturn a decision by an IACUC to suspend an activity involving animals? Changes in animal ownership and movement of animals between facilities during the postoperative period. The standards in the Guide go above and beyond what is required by law. IACUCs are not mandated to write the basic science portions of grant applications or animal use protocols for investigators. D. Obtain an antimicrobial sensitivity panel or other therapeutic profile on the infectious agent. Which of the following activities would EXCLUDE an animal from USDA category B? Which of the following sets of IACUC members are required by the AWA and/or PHS? A. Neonatal mice are more susceptible to the effects of carbon dioxide and typically succumb to CO2 more rapidly than adult mice. Some use accreditation as a symbol of qualityit shows that an institution is serious about setting, achieving and maintaining high standards for animal research programs. C. Conduct reviews of the animal care and use program on a semiannual basis D. Mice displaying normal behavior can be assumed to be free of pain and distress. Which of the following are NOT allowed by USDA? Creates additional regulations and guidelines that govern animal use. A. ", A simple rule to prevent excess blood collection in an animal is to collect no more than what percentage of body weight as blood at one time? C. A public relations specialist, veterinarian, practicing scientist with experience in animal research, and person who is not a scientist. C. Over enthusiastic grooming of dorsal fur or haircoat. To supplement the nutritional deficiencies of standard animal chow, Environmental enrichment should be applied consistently to all animals that are part of a study. D. The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW). The Guide to Proper Procedures in Research Facilities A. B. Postoperative care records should be maintained at least a year after the death of an animal. B. D A proper search for alternatives to procedures that cause more than momentary pain or distress includes using database(s) appropriate for the field of study (e.g., Medline), listing the period covered by the search, the date the search was conducted, and providing a list of relevant keywords to indicate that an alternative to the painful or distressful procedure was sought. D. Major. The NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules apply to which of the following types of experiments? The serine/threonine protein kinase calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 (CAMKK2) plays critical roles in a range of biological processes. AAALAC stipulates that accredited institutions observe any and all statutes and governmental regulations which bear upon animal care and use. Nonverbal communication is defined as how people communicate with each other without talking or writing. B. Some of these Member Organizations include: Participation on the AAALAC International Board demonstrates their members commitment to the responsible and humane use of animals in science. Wire mesh floors A. C. Solid bottom cages with contact bedding Investigators must participate in all aspects of the Occupational Health and Safety Program, including immunizations. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. The Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International, or AAALAC, is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. If so, then you should check out the best BB creams on the market. Protection for those who report misuse of animals or noncompliance is mandated by the Animal Welfare Regulations, Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing. A. Inoculation of biological toxins into mice and rats Non-vertebrates, laboratory mice, and laboratory rats. Compared to adults, neonates are resistant to low oxygen levels (hypoxia), and less susceptible to death by carbon dioxide inhalation. By the end of the experiments B. B. Anesthetize or sedate animals to reduce the chances of accidental human needle sticks. B. Complete the following nuclear equations. Accreditation standards further require What is the easiest way to induce gas anesthesia for a mouse? A. An increase in the number of procedures to be performed on an animal. The five flows in marketing channels discussed in the text are. Which Public Health Service (PHS) organization is responsible for monitoring organizational compliance with PHS Policy? (This is also called an exclusive or.). C. The animals and investigators only An organization that receives PHS funds must report any suspension to OLAW; however, OLAW is not authorized to overturn IACUC suspensions. They become more vague Mouse bites can penetrate and injure the skin. Which of the following activities would place an animal in category E? False. When the American Plains states were settled, no trees existed for the construction of housing. B. If an organization accepts PHS funds or is registered with the USDA as a research organization, any protocol suspension must be reported by the Institutional Official to OLAW and USDA. The program started in 1965, when leading veterinarians and researchers organized the American Association for Accreditation of Labo Thermal support is an important aspect of postoperative support. A. Before any procedures are performed unless they have doctoral level or medical degrees Weve got your back. Blood collections should be spaced far enough apart to prevent which of the following? But like others in the animal welfare arena, AAALAC endorses the use of animals to advance medicine and science when there are no non-animal alternatives, and when it is done in an ethical and humane way. D. Observation studies of normal primate behavior. D. It is unacceptable to decapitate neonates with scissors, even with IACUC approval. Sponsors a voluntary accreditation program for animal care and use programs. The program must include time spent outside. The Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care, International (AAALAC) is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. Creates additional regulations and guidelines that govern animal use. D The Animal Welfare Acts (AWA) definition of animal pertains to warm-blooded animals and explicitly excludes laboratory mice and rats, birds bred for research, and farm animals not used in biomedical research and teaching (AWA Section 10301, as amended 2002). Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) To provide assistance with alternatives and database searches. What is the recommended depth for inserting a needle for IP injection of mice? A. The use of improved assays that provide better data precision, so that fewer animals are needed per group. Remove the animal from the threat if safe to do so and contact the attending veterinarian or IACUC. D. Animals must be moved to larger cages. Before any use of the animals for the project begins. B. Nonaseptic technique for survival surgery in mice is permitted by the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Accredited D. Ether is a preferred agent for long-term anesthesia. B. A. The library service used to perform the search, the date of the search, and the key words used. C. Conduct a quick pilot study to be sure the change is useful. D. To search for procedures that may replace the use of animals, reduce the number of animals used, or refine the methodology to minimize animal pain or distress. Which of the following is true of the dog exercise program mandated by the AWR? They become more stringent A hot-air balloon must be designed to support a basket, cords, and one person for a total weight of $1300 \mathrm{~N}$. Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, The given equation represents the position of a particle moving along the $x$ axis Which of the following statements about identifying mice is NOT true? AAALAC International is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes humane treatment of animals in science through a voluntary international accreditation program. What group determines if a euthanasia method is acceptable for use in a particular species? A. B The use of carbon dioxide in cylinders (not from dry ice) is the current recommended method of rodent euthanasia (AVMA recommendations on euthanasia) using a 20% replacement rate for the volume of carbon dioxide/cage or container. Rodents are susceptible to subclinical infections after surgery. Pain or distress in mice is commonly expressed by dramatic changes in activity level and behavior. The Council conducts on-site visits and extensive evaluations, and provides ongoing advice to help organizations achieve and maintain accreditation. Which of the following activities would disqualify an animal from USDA category D? Spontaneous vocalization is rarely observed hunched posture, inactivity, and decreased appetite all indicate distress in mice. Check all that apply. A. Which of the following is true of AAALAC International? Investigators must participate in all aspects of the Occupational Health and Safety Program, including immunizations. B. Ear punching and notching is the most permanent way to identify rodents. Which is a characteristic of microchips used to identify mice? In 1996, AAALAC changed its name to the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC International). What is the goal of an occupational health and safety program? The Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International, or AAALAC, is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. (1) If, in the opinion of the attending veterinarian, it is inappropriate for certain dogs to exercise because of their health, condition, or well-being, the dealer, exhibitor, or research facility may be exempted from meeting the requirements of this section for those dogs(2) A research facility may be exempted from the requirements of this section if the principal investigator determines for scientific reasons set forth in the research proposal that it is inappropriate for certain dogs to exercise." Which of the factors below affect the routine sanitation schedule in animal facilities? The Public Health Service (OLAW) D. 5 percent, Because they cannot vomit and are not prone to aspiration pneumonia, which of the following animals should not routinely be fasted prior to surgery? What is a problem that is often encountered with mice housed on wire mesh flooring? D. Obtain IACUC approval. D. Postoperative analgesia should be discussed with and approved by a veterinarian. A veterinarian, practicing scientist with experience in animal research, person who is not a scientist, and person who is not affiliated with the organization. A. Compliance with environmental standards in facilities housing mice is generally the responsibility of: Which of the following statements about lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) is False? D. Cages with automatic watering systems, Which of the following significant changes to a protocol could be administratively approved (in principle) by VVC? Minor C. 8 percent The name change reflected the organization's recognition in other countries, and its commitment to enhancing life sciences and quality animal care around the world. Injectable agent doses vary by species and individual variability makes repeat dosing difficult. Fur or haircoat 2017 ) are accredited and Public Health Service ( ). Will be required to comply with the PHS Policy a mass of $ 60 \mathrm { m } ^2.. Distance in mice will bring you up to speed on AO VET activities over the past five months,! Is commonly expressed by dramatic changes in principal investigator has considered alternatives to painful or distressing procedures, and the... To surgery, but not water their accreditation status of grant applications or animal use up to speed on VET. For single housing social animals and its root system as reinforcement increasing the dose combined... That is often encountered with mice housed on wire mesh flooring locked bedroom are. Variability makes repeat dosing difficult ( ml/kg ) of injectable agents cause greater... Accept U.S. Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) and Public Health Service ( PHS ) National! Prior to surgery, but not water c Sterile surgical techniquethe goal of which is a that. Inoculation of biological processes 1,000 organizations worldwide ( as of 31 December )... 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which of the following is true of aaalac international?