playwright wait for page to load

When passing a handle, only one argument is supported. Returns null if waiting for hidden or detached. wait for a new element to appear on the page (like a dialog open). Optional. Run tests in Microsoft Edge. The method adds a function called name on the window object of every frame in the page. Use the -webkit-print-color-adjust property to force rendering of exact colors. This resolves when the page reaches a required load state, load by default. Holding down Shift will type the text that corresponds to the key in the upper case. Read more about locators. Use signals such as network events, selectors becoming visible and others instead. If specified, updates the given HAR with the actual network information instead of serving from file. If at the moment of calling the method selector already satisfies the condition, the method will return immediately. Wait time for page load time - set_page_load_timeout (self, time_to_wait) is used to specify the maximum wait time (in seconds) for a page to load completely in a selenium WebDriver controlled browser. cd webdriverwait - demo. Returns the array of option values that have been successfully selected. Referer header value. Value to fill for the ,