living in serbia pros and cons

While taking on a mortgage at 65 appeared crazy to some it afforded them financial security further down the road. Their pending membership into the EU, vibrant city lifestyle with quality IT infrastructure, and low taxes are attractive options for investors and entrepreneurs. On Shar mountain there are many glacial lakes, and that is the only place in Serbia where they can be seen. You may submit the request from abroad or if you are in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Roads and public buildings are in poor repair. The National Health Insurance Fund (RFZO) manages all healthcare in Serbia for all citizens and permanent residents. And then again in.. Ok, I got you, that's all! Citizens of Belgrade mainly choose lower mountains that are situated near the capital, to escape from the crowd and relax over the weekend: Avala, Kosmaj and Frushka Gora mountain. To me it seems like serbian society has stuck in time. Well, every country has its downsides, and I had to mention them in this video about Serbia. During 2023: 60% of taxes and 90% of contributions to the PIO. Personally, I can list WAY more cons than pros when it comes to this subject, since I don't really like living here, but I decided to keep things . Top 10 Facts About Living Conditions in Serbia Formerly a part of Yugoslavia, Serbia is a small landlocked country located in southeastern Europe between Macedonia and Hungary. . Fancy Restaurants are located at several popular areas at the downtown of Belgrade. So it makes you kind of think, how can some people beg on the street while others drive in a limo?? Some products even cost more than in Austria or Germany. Billed once. But that is not what sport is about, they're all empty-headed fools, who give football fans a bad name. But due to low life standard, Serbs usually travel to less expensive countries during summer, such as Greece, Montenegro and Croatia. Main reason why I've put this under pros, is because sometimes it can really unite us and spread so much positive energy. First of all, this is only my opinion and point of view, you may agree with it or not - nor hard feelings. I am no feminist or anything (I despise that term), I just find that all people should live in a sort of sinergy, encourage and help each other and not limit themselves by setting these silly boundaries. After watching to much Hollywood movies about East Europe you might picture Belgrade as an dangerous city. Pursuant to the Articles 57, 58, and 59 of the Italian Constitution, the . Serbia has an extremely tense history with its neighboring countries as a result of the breaking up of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s. In the place I live (a small municipality of Belgrade) I get these weird looks when taking a walk in the forest. Pros and cons when living in Serbia , 23. 2016. They just take it too personal I guess. I myself, even went to some sport competitions (high jump), during my primary school. Even it it's for a little while. Or any kind of future at all. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . The amount of money we earn affects the way we live, think, behave and most important, they way we feel. Therefore, if you are thinking about changing your residence, you. No Hills. The money from the sale was enough to help them fund their next ten years in a nice assisted living apartment. Hotel Moscow in Belgrade, built in the style of russian secession, Novi Sad, second major city after Belgrade, Gardosh tower (a.k.a. But lets not get too political, shall we? As you know, Belgrade is declared as a party capital of Europe. The healthcare system is ranked thirty-third globally, providing world-class facilities and patient care, making the country an attractive place to live permanently. Not only is the cost of living in Berlin lower compared to other major cities in Germany. And the rest of the features are quite clear. But who knows what kind of stuff they put into all this and if that is genuine meat at all. Check out my company: Travel Blogs the world is always an adventure. Outside of serbian cities, lies a rather different picture. In 2020, the EU offered 250million to reconstruct and construct twenty large hospitals across Serbia. One-time-payment: $199.98 $99.992023 NEW YEAR 50% off. And although I do not keep track of the latest sport happenings, sometimes I too get carried away and watch a football or basketball match with my family and find myself in the situation where I'm shouting 'Go, Serbia, go!'. I find the explanation for this in serbian traditionality, that is still widely present, even in cities. Ok, this one does not have to do much with me, since I don't really follow sport events these days, it is just the thing that stands out and often comes to mind when talking about Serbs - our apparent love for sports. Contact your employer because if you meet certain criteria, you may not even have to pay US taxes as well. Pros and Cons Living in Kep . Living in Belgrade. There are also numerous lakes, caves and waterfalls scattered throughout Serbia and even a few sandy terrains in nothern region Vojvodina. So that pretty much sums up what I'm trying to say. But maybe one day it will happen again who knows. This option is very simple; it only requires an investor to rent an apartment and apply to open a company. Next, when talking about differences in income, they are immense. So as you've probably guessed by now, main part of our cousine is meat (*cough* dead animals *cough*), served in every possible way. Not so great air quality. You will notice every day that compared to America, Serbia is a poor country. The Pros of Living in Arizona. The entire city is situated on plain land, with absolutely no altitudes. So from a woman is still expected to be doing these lesser jobs, cooking, cleaning, selling stuff so they are pretty much underestimated from the beginning of their life. Interested in reading more about companies, bank accounts, and immigration in Serbia? Several urban renewal development projects headed by the Government of Serbia aimed at improving Belgrades cityscape and economy by revitalizing several areas along the promenade. Second thing is that there is no security in terms of your future job. 11. So, I'd say Serbia has a very good geographical position, and is surrounded by many interesting countries, which had proven to be both good and bad during our history. He also looked more like a Serb, than an Italian, which was funny to me, since it looked like he adopted some of the characteristics of serbian people. You can change it later. IN Belgrade entry is absolutely free of charge. The nation has increased its global economic trade outside of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), having concluded bilateral free-trade agreements with Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and the European Free Trade Association (Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, and Liechtenstein). 25 Pros Of Living In Vermont. The country is made up of 26 cantons, each with its own constitution, courts, tax rates and police. Well the situation isn't all that great, as you've seen from my previous posts, but Serbs have learned to get the best of it sometimes. There are more than fifty spa and health resorts to unwind and relax and four world-class ski centres to choose from to enjoy superb mountain escapes. And it's beautiful! So it makes you kind of think, how can some people beg on the street while others drive in a limo?? PRO #2: Nature - a way to escape Serbian countryside: Outside of serbian cities, lies a rather different picture. You can get more interesting info by researching on Google, YouTube and Tripadvisor. While salaries, of course are staying the same. Outside of serbian cities, lies a rather different picture. In poor countries like Serbia, money is of great value and if you have it, you can do pretty much anything (corruption). And although I do not keep track of the latest sport happenings, sometimes I too get carried away and watch a football or basketball match with my family and find myself in the situation where I'm shouting 'Go, Serbia, go!'. Come along.#belgrade #serbia #expat Or maybe Serbian people have distanced themselves so much from the nature that they've forgotten how beautiful and calming it is? What I find the most interesting and appealing, are these ancient fortifications that crown many of our cities. If you need a visa to enter the Republic of Serbia, to use this service you ought to have a long-stay visa (D visa) previously issued by diplomatic and consular mission of the Republic of Serbia abroad. So these last two pro post are going to be based more on views of other people, rather than mine. I have never visited it, but I'd love to do it one day, since that is one of those special, one of a kind places in Serbia - a must visit for sure. There are also numerous lakes, caves and waterfalls scattered throughout Serbia and even a few sandy terrains in nothern region Vojvodina. You will see them most often on television (which I don't watch), where they preach about their hollow personalities and lifestyle and brainwash others (those in poverty). Every wealthy society today is quite open-minded and prone to some changes (a.k.a. Almost 30 other Dutch navigators made their way down . Most of the kids here have a bad habit of buying their breakfast in bakery stores, where they usually get pizza, rolled sausage, or some other kind of pastry. Its an adventure and prices are pretty good. This way of thinking has stuck to these days, even though we are not really paying attention to it, since it's been a part of our every day life for such a long time and is perfectly normal to us. This is a sort of a continuation of my first con post - low life standard. for more than the period provided by bilateral agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the state of which you are a citizen for short stay in the Republic of Serbia without a visa or approved temporary residence. I'm guessing that's why older Serbs are so negative and passive most of the time. Serbia has in total of 6 national parks and handfull of other nature reserves and protected sites, which is quite a number I'd say. Well, in the end they are the ones who prosper from all this. Publisher. PROS and CONS. Serbs from Croatia differ so much from Serbs in Serbia (it would take too long for me to describe these differences, so I will not get into it). Processed meat of every kind is the most common grocery here: salami, sausages, pates (sort of a meat paste). The Cons of Moving to Switzerland. When it comes to prices here, they rarely make sense. Click here to find out more about pricesin Belgrade clubs. It's just these things that are being sold to us in stores. Beside amazing Portugal, Belgrade is at the top of the list when it comes to price vs quality of living. If you have something to add up, please send us an email. First, please go to your email and click the confirm link first to verify your email address, check your spam folder if you can't find it, After you confirm your email we'll send you an email with more info. But I still have this passion left in me. For stays of up to three months, you'll need to register with the police within 48 hours of arriving. Pros and cons when living in Serbia , 30. 2016. They want experience here even for the siliest jobs. Some doesnt speak any English but you will not have any issue. If you do not have a created account, visit registration page. There are no Subway. And then again in 2002. It's Really Expensive. The process for obtaining residency is cost-effective, starting from around 5,000 and easy to follow. The average home in Sedona is priced at over $800,000, which has increased over 30% in the last year alone. Although the coast of Georgia is not as long as it is in some other states, there is still plenty of boating to do. You can start using Nomad List's member-only features now! INTERNATIONAL ASSET PROTECTION AND DIVERSIFICATION BLOG. This allows foreign investors to obtain Serbian residency easily, instead of having to jump through immigration hoops that other nations set up. Serbs generally compalin about the quality of life here and they have a good reason for doing so. To her, it is slightly more difficult. To learn more about the Serbian RBI program, book a free consultation with one of our experts by contacting us today. Provides a thorough overview of the major pros and cons of animal testing. To them, everything here seems so hilariously cheap. If you manage to make western salary and live in Belgrade, you will have a blast. Dividends are taxed at 15%, and personal income taxes are very favorable. Serbia has an extremely tense history with its neighboring countries as a result of the breaking up of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s. Remember that saying 'You are what you eat'. This leads to a situation where you spend all of the money just to satisfy the basic needs and pay for the flat and other bills and thus cannot or rarely can afford to actually enjoy life a little and spend some money on yourself. Banking is Easy, But . And it's beautiful! Also, they live a lot under stress and have many other problems to deal with, so the food is not the only thing to blame. Expats in living in Saudi Arabia are likely there for business purposes. Ok, this one does not have to do much with me, since I don't really follow sport events these days, it is just the thing that stands out and often comes to mind when talking about Serbs - our apparent love for sports. I think Serbs should practise going out in the naturemore often,because it's the best way to relax, but it isn't really common here unfortunately. Locals are friendly. The biggest problem is that salaries and prices aren't coordinated the least bit. I realized that Serbian is similar to Russian, plus it's pretty easy. And all our people praise and crave is meat. See the FAQ. Introduction. Since I happen to fall under this category, to me serbian cousine goes under cons (I can beat that if you're serbian, you're probably rolling your eyes now), but as I said it is a rather positive thing to most Serbs and apparently tourists as well. Next, when talking about differences in income, they are immense. As every country in the world, USA has a lot of pluses but it also has some minuses, and I always like to address both. I find this odd, since I believe at least Europeans should know where the rest of european countries are located (I wouldn't be that surprised if I asked someone from Asia, but someone from Europe, pfff, come on, you gotta know this stuff hehe!). As well as measure the changing demographics of nomads. At least from what I've seen from pictures. There is also a certain inequality when it comes to gender and even ethnicity to some extent (this does not refer to all of the minorities here, only to Gypsies, who are one of the major ones). Here are some basketball facts for those of you who are not already familiar: Yugoslavia was considered the second super power in international basketball, just behind the United States. And when people here get ill, they just grab the first medicine that has been transcribed to them by a doctor and drug themselves to death. It is absolutely not true. Web presentation is licensed according to license conditions Creative Commons Authorship-Non-commercial-Without processing 3.0 Serbia. And most of Serbs seem to have a problem when you mention you don't eat meat (don't ever dare to use the unholy word 'vegetarian'). What makes it even easier is that the process can be done remotely, and there is no requirement to be in Serbia at this stage. Architecture itself is an endless source of knowlegde, important part of history as well as a reminder of times long gone. Belgrade and Novi Sad are the cultural hubs of Serbia, offering extensive nightlife and other cultural hotspots. I find this rather negative and it bothers me how much Serbs refuse to change. Fearfulness - of change. It's Hard to Meet Swiss People. For nature (and especially mountain) lovers, this really is the place to be. The 6th national park is Djerdap National Park, and it occupies the Djerdap gorge, that is (now comes the fun fact) the longest breakthrough gorge in Europe. The capital citys business region is under rapid development and reconstruction. But it's also one of the most affordable capital cities to live in, in western Europe. On the other hand, tourists from other countries seem to really enjoy their time here and it's quite understandable why. 1. Or maybe Serbian people have distanced themselves so much from the nature that they've forgotten how beautiful and calming it is? There is 16 of them. You can apply for a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Serbia if you intend to get a job, study, connect with close family members living in the Republic of Serbia, engage in scientific research, attend professional training or practice, get medical treatment, if you have real estate in Serbia or some other legally prescribed reason for a longer stay in Serbia. In every other part of Serbia, there is some different style of architecture. Serbia has temperate climate, with mild summers and mild winters, so you can really enjoy all four seasons. What are the pros and cons of living in the capital of Serbia? The benefits of our geographical location reflect in the climate too. The average cost of living here is roughly 30% higher than the rest of the US. Let pictures speak for themselves: By this I mostly mean no social security as well as security in lets say better future. As research disclosed, the capital city, Belgrade, has become one of the finest and technologically advanced cities in Europe. We put up this article as realistic as possible. Going to a flee market is a fun thing. This is a sort of a continuation of my first con post - low life standard. Tip: Hold CTRL and drag mouse to pan around the map. To most of the people this isn't necessarily a negative thing, but if you happen to be a vegetarian or simply don't like eating meat that much, you're going to have a bad time here. The cost of the real estate in which a client invests is not limited in any way, and there is no minimum amount of investment. People here have some sort of aversion and prejudice towards those who don't like this kind of food and can often feel insulted or make fun of you. '. Arizona's economy is always forward-thinking. So if you happen to be a sports fan, you'll love Serbia and you'll have plenty of what to talk with people. Sight-seeing can also fulfill your free time and sometimes you just can't wait to show some of the architecture in your city to your friends. If you look at Serbia as a whole, from north to south, you'll notice how the landscape varies and changes from plains and pastures to high mountains and canyons. As a rule, you submit the request if you intend to stay in Serbia for more than 90 days as of the date of entry, i.e. When it comes to the prices in the Nightlife Belgrade is just WOW! I think Serbs should practise going out in the nature more often, because it's the best way to relax, but it isn't really common here unfortunately. Pros Cons Continents Europe Countries Serbia Filters Serbia Clear 3 results Global travel medical insurance for $1.34/day! This country has three official languages - Dutch, French and German, a strong labor market and many opportunities for immigrants. I will use this opportunity to partially quote one of our greatest geographers Jovan Cvijic: Have you recognized some of the stuff I talked about in my previous posts? I find the explanation for this in serbian traditionality, that is still widely present, even in cities. Cons of owning shares as an Australian expat. As a matter of fact, Serbia is (one more fun fact) world's biggest exporter of raspberries. Serbs most often go to Kopaonik and Zlatibor, but to me Tara and Shar mountain seem the most appealing of all national parks. (when Yugoslavia consisted only of Serbia and Montenegro) we won another gold medal and once again were world champions in basketball. Most people don't take life too seriously when they live in Fort Lauderdale. Then there is the mediaeval town of Ras near the city of Novi Pazar and various fortresses alongside the river Danube. And then again in 2002. And most of Serbs seem to have a problem when you mention you don't eat meat (don't ever dare to use the unholy word 'vegetarian'). Your username is used across the site, for example in your profile URL: You can sit outside in cafes and bars, and you can enjoy paradise and nature. Fast foods are good choice to get a lunch in Belgrade. I think Serbs should practise going out in the naturemore often,because it's the best way to relax, but it isn't really common here unfortunately. In the place I live (a small municipality of Belgrade) I get these weird looks when taking a walk in the forest. So as you've probably guessed by now, main part of our cousine is meat (*cough* dead animals *cough*), served in every possible way. Your email address will not be published. How is that even possible? So yes, food you eat greatly affect your health. Plus no tornadoes, earthquakes or tsunamis, so I guess that must be a plus as well, eih? Sadly, in Belgrade it is an ordinary sight. And it's beautiful! Serbs most often go to Kopaonik and Zlatibor, but to me Tara and Shar mountain seem the most appealing of all national parks. I have to rephrase the sentenced I used earlier, when I said that Serbia is a poor country. Belgrade Girls are one of the most beautiful in the world. It's good to look but don't touch anything in Arizona. The Cons of Living in Arizona. When walking the streets of Belgrade, the most noticable, at least to me is how inequal people are, mostly in terms of their earnings. There are areas in Restaurants for smokers and no smokers though. And all our people praise and crave is meat. Serbia has temperate climate, with mild summers and mild winters, so you can really enjoy all four seasons. This might have changed a bit but still it is the place to go out and have an amazing time! I remember trying to find a job over the summer and it was so hard to find it. I use to say that we aren't any different than other countries in Europe in terms of resources and land, but that the problem lies in the people who are leading this country. I think its an amazing place to live. For both options, an investor would apply for residency; this requires the investor to open a bank account and deposit about 1,500 to show proof of funds to support themselves. Even if you get a decent job, they amount of money you earn will be most certainly questionable. The first time I went to the store, I started talking in English at the cash register. Tuition fees are lower than comparable schools found in Western Europe. So my point is, if you want to travel somewhere in Europe from here, it really isn't that far away! Covid-19 coverage. Those looking for a better life often seek out the so-called immigration hotspots such as the US, UK, Canada, and Europe. Temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade is the largest Serbian Orthodox church (as well as the largest Orthodox church in the Balkans) and the largest in size Orthodox church in the world. We also have(if I may say)a glorious history in these sports (back from the time when we were still Yugoslavia). UniCredit Bank in SerbiaBanking Services for Private Clients of UniCredit Bank in SerbiaE-banking at UniCredit Bank in SerbiaCredit Lines for Individuals, UniCredit Bank in SerbiaLending to Individuals at UniCredit Bank in SerbiaSettlement Account for Individuals with UniCredit Bank in SerbiaAccount OverdraftPayment Cards, Coca-Cola Company and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) have announced a joint project to enhance the attractiveness of Lake Vlasina region to tourists. I put a lot of effort into making it. Explore our dedicated country site Calling it 'welfare' is even an overstatement. I ended up working in a warehouse (for 8 hours) with blisters all over my hands and I got really poorly paid. Readable text, interesting sidebars, and illuminating infographics invite readers to jump in and join the debate. 18 Pros and Cons of Living in Australia. Overall, the tax structure in Serbia is highly favourable to HNW individuals opting to expand into Europe. Honestly, I am really having a hard time finding any more positive things about living here. Then never again. There are many universities here, but sometimes it seems like the knowlegde you earn is of little or no value at all, because you can't really use it in practise. Web project So, I'd say Serbia has a very good geographical position, and is surrounded by many interesting countries, which had proven to be both good and bad during our history. Serbs unfortunately spend most of their free time in front of TV, thus becoming brainwashed and deprived of anything intellectual. 2. I've been in Serbia for nearly seven years. Not only prejudice about Serbia, but of the whole eastern Europe, since media portrays the situation here in a bad way most of the time (like we're still in war over here or something). In the place I live (a small municipality of Belgrade) I get these weird looks when taking a walk in the forest. The request may be submitted as the first request for temporary residence approval or as the request for extension of temporary residence. How is that even possible? You submit your passport when you receive a notification to your email address that the request has been resolved, with instructions on when and how to take over your approval for temporary residence in the Republic of Serbia. for more than the period provided by bilateral agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the state of which you are a citizen for short stay in the Republic of Serbia without a visa or approved temporary residence. Trickery - lying and cheating others. But maybe one day it will happen again who knows. Since this is a con post, I will talk about negative features of it. At the European championships in basketball, Yugoslavia won the gold medal five times (1973, 1975, 1977, 1989, 1991) and at the world championships in basketball, three gold medals (1970, 1978, 1990). The 6th national park is Djerdap National Park, and it occupies the Djerdap gorge, that is (now comes the fun fact) the longest breakthrough gorge in Europe. Or they buy our version of burger called pljeskavica. Overall Transportation is so so. Any day in a week you can swing by to the Flee market and buy groceries from local farmers. What are the negatives of living in Switzerland? Not to mention how many mountains there are, all the way through the central, western, eastern and souther part of Serbia. Epic Co-Working places, Fast Wifi and friendly environment. The Yugoslav basketball team with the title of world champion in 1990. Nowadays, you cannot see kids playing outside that much, since technology kind of took over their free time, but in my time (childhood), we were all about playing outside, running, riding bikes, getting ourselves hurt and shedding a few tears ahah Memories! Whether you are planning to move to this. While salaries, of course are staying the same. We even have few castles (manor houses) in the northern region Vojvodina, that in style belong to the transitional period between the Baroque and Classicism. When you look at our citizens most of them are poor or live average, but then again, there are people who are rich and loaded with money. Serbias centralized location gives it a great climate and simplifies global access. They put into all this due to low life standard great climate and simplifies Global access time finding more! Starting from around 5,000 and easy to follow most often go to Kopaonik and Zlatibor, to! For 8 hours ) with blisters all over my hands and I had to mention them this. Serbs generally compalin about the serbian RBI program, book a free consultation with one of the breaking up Yugoslavia. Individuals opting to expand into Europe is an ordinary sight to go out and an... Of times long gone are what you eat greatly affect your Health outside in cafes and bars and. 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living in serbia pros and cons