distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course

Oxlade EL, Clifford PE, 1981. Taraxacum officinale ) on an abandoned golf course was aggregated, random, or uniform. 2006. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. Plant Soil and Environment, 49:49-54. Japanese Journal of Entomology. Plant Disease, 85(1):76-79; 29 ref. The delightful dandelion. The role of auxin in the differentiation of root and shoot primordia from root cuttings of Taraxacum officinale and Cichorium. Weed ecology: implications for vegetation management. Dandelion control in corn and soybean. Australian Plant Introduction Review, 13:37-45. 2007. Dandelion Taraxacum officinale Web. Beginner Trapping Supplies, Host specificity and morphological variation in Epitrimerus taraxaci Liro (Acarida: Eriophyoidea) [in Yugoslavia]. Weeds of the World. In praise of the archenemy. 1, 117-124 (Ru)]; 27 ref. Jahresberichte des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes 1979. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft Technologie, 18:339-346. 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Weed suppression by Medicago sativa in subsequent cereal crops: a comparative survey. Common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) control with 2,4-D and mechanical treatments. Johns LJ, 1982. Simon L, Martin HW, Adriano DC, 1996. In: Guelph Turfgrass Institute 1992 Research Report. Distribution, host range and phenology of Orobanche spp. Djingova R, Kuleff I, 2002. Taxon, 46(1):87-98; 18 ref. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 17(1):19-29; 24 ref. David Sutcliffe Retired, Slough, UK: Richmond Publishing Company Ltd., 868 pp. Alt Nation Regan, The bitterness properties of dandelion. Journal of Horticultural Science, 71(3):373-377; 8 ref. 2021. World Wide Web page at http://www.rbg.vic.gov.au/avh/. as an (urban) bioindicator. Endosperm and endospermous haustoria in Taraxacum officinale Wigg. Fuchs E, Gruntzig M, Auerbach I, Einecke I, Muller C, Kragenow M, 1994. Effect of tillage and mulch on the emergence and survival of weeds in sweet corn. on the effectiveness of treatment of mice with transplantable tumors. Functional Ecology, 15:605-614. About dandelions: the golden wonder herb. Plant species in black-tailed prairie dog towns in Billings County, North Dakota. Taraxacum officinale inhibits tumor necrosis factor-alpha production from rat astrocytes. Phytochemical research on higher plants. Journal of Range Management, 26:352-355. Landolt PJ, 2002. 2021. Botanical Review, 11:417-461. Desbuquois C, Daguzan J, 1995. USDA-ARS, 2004. Georgi LL, 1988. ]; 2 ref. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 68:351-358. The effects of date of seed maturation and seed size on seed germination and seedling emergence of the dandelion, Taraxacum officinale Weber. Khan MI, 1973. Journal of Nematology, 20(2):304-308. Mesopotamia Journal of Agriculture, 17(1):79-93, Sheldon JC, 1974. Weed Science, 29(6):704-708, Mann H, Cavers PB, 1979. Petri Dish Metaphor, Properties and classification of a potexvirus isolated from three plant species in Argentina. The demography of three populations of dandelion [Taraxacum spp.]. Mattu VK, Mattu N, Verma LR, Lakhanpal TN, 1989. Struik GJ, 1967. Anatomy of Taraxacum officinale Weber. Maliakal PP, Wanwimolruk S, 2001. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Menalled, F D Population dynamics and production processes of indigenous and naturalized dandelions subjected to artificial disturbance by mowings. Phytopathology, 50:296-298. Kuusi T, Pyysalo H, Autio K, 1985. Zhuikova TV, Bezel' VS, Pozolotina VN, Severyukhina OA, 2002. Aspects of the flowering ecology of taxa of Taraxacum section Taraxacum. Science of the Total Environment, 281(1/3):63-78; 41 ref. Cyr DR, Bewley JD, 1990. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 76(4):671-674, Mezynski PR, Cole DF, 1974. Entomological News, 98(4):163-164. Akuzawa R, Yokoyama K, 1988. 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American Journal of Botany, 83(1):106-111; 41 ref. 9]; 6 pp. Growth habits of dandelion, daisy, catsear and hawkbit in some New Zealand grasslands. Effect of herbal teas on hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes in rats. Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, 4(1):3-8; 12 ref. Plant Protection Science, 35(4):147-152; 6 ref. Purification and some properties of fructan:fructan fructosyl transferase from dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Weber). Archives of Dermatology, 135(1):67-70; 16 ref. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 108(6):507-517; 42 ref. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 78(2):167-174; 24 ref. Curtis PD, Rowland ED, Good GL, 2002. Purchasing Power Parity Calculator, Niklas KJ, Paolillo DJJr, 1998. Feeding habits of the weevil Barypeithes pellucidus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Russian Journal of Ecology, 27(5):321-325. Activation of inducible nitric oxide synthase by Taraxacum officinale in mouse peritoneal macrophages. } Gao YuanJun, 1995. Phyton, Argentina, 41(1/2):17-25. Bacterial streak and bulb rot of sweet onion: II. Potential use of electromagnetic radiation for weed control on railway tracks. Derksen DA, Thomas AG, 1997. Roczniki Pan^acute~stwowego Zakadu Higieny, 52(4):295-311; 15 ref. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 53:1323-1329. Plants of the Pitcairn Islands. Effect of a herbicide and two plant densities on the yield of medicinal plants grown in Quebec (Canada). Influence of pocket gophers on vegetation of subalpine grassland in central Utah. 45, No. Zeitschrift fr Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft, 13:119-125. Jacob HS, Evans EW, 2000. Different strategies of plant adaptation to toxic environmental pollution with heavy metals: an example of Taraxacum officinale s.l. Osmani R, Hameed A, Qazilbash AA, 1999. First record of the dandelion leaf-gall midge, Cystiphora taraxaci (Kieffer, 1888) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), in North America. The "Distribution Pattern of Dandelion" paper includes an abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections. Journal of Nematology, 20(3):474-477, Georgi LL, 1988. Whats in a name: dandelion. Glijve iz roda Puccinia na korovima u Srbiji. Menalled, Fabian D. Ecological and biological aspects of fodder crop production. Bulletin OILB/SROP, 19(2):27-33; 8 ref. Altitudinal differentiation of the Hill reaction in populations of Taraxacum officinale in Colorado. Lotz, Bert Agronomy Journal, 74(4):673-676. Jimmy Butler Wingspan, Status of the alien vascular flora of South Georgia. Prune brown line disease occurrence in declining 'Stanley' plum orchards in Michigan and factors related to its incidence. Survival and development of Lacanobia subjuncta (Grote & Robinson) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae on common weeds and crop plants of Eastern Washington state. Godwin H, 1956. Kurfess W, Kleisinger S, 2000. 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Host-associated fitness trade-offs do not limit the evolution of diet breadth in the small milkweed bug Lygaenus kalmii (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). Journal of Entomological Science, 27(4):366-374. Very Seldom Crossword, Bulletin of Nara University of Education, Natural Science, 35(2):85-93, Hinrichs G, 1988. Is Watts Bar Lake Safe To Swim In, Roberts MR, Zhu L, 2002. Hagymasi K, Blazovics A, Feher J, Lugasi A, Kristo ST, Kery A, 2000. Dai Q, Upadhyaya MK, 2002. of ref. Bumble bee species and flowering plant relationships at high altitude in north west India. I. Communications de la quatrieme Conference Internationale IFOAM, Dijon, France. Indian Journal of Ecology, 25:1-7. Longyear BO, 1918. Badania nad mykotrofizmem nizinnego zespolu lakowego na Psim Polu pod Wroclawiem. In: Expert Committee on Weeds, Proceedings of the 1996 National Meeting, Victoria, BC, Canada: Government of Canada, 59-62. Isozyme inheritance in diploid Taraxacum hybrids. Derrick RW, Moseley G, Wilman D, 1993. 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Seasonal variation in dandelion roots of fructosan composition, metabolism, and response to treatment with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Effect of grass species and row spacing on dandelion establishment and growth. (Some host plants of strawberry green petal virus). Lamp WO, Morris MJ, Armbrust EJ, 1984. 21:353-368, Cyr DR, Bewley JD, 1990. Influence of carbohydrate foods and mating on longevity of the parasitoid Bathyplectes curculionis (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Seasonal allergic contact dermatitis from Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) in an Israeli florist. Non-chemical weed control. Phytotherapy Reseach, 12:484-487. HortScience, 27(3):273. hasContentIssue true, Copyright Weed Science Society of America. PhD Thesis. Logan Walker Death, 33rd annual weed conference, Washington State Weed Association. Wang, Xianzhong Valenta V, Misiga S, Musil M, 1961. Ottawa, Canada: Research Branch Agriculture Canada Publication 1813. Vestsi Akademii Navuk BSSR, Biyalagichnykh Navuk, 5:63-68. in roots of Allium ursinum L. and other plants. Small E, Catling PM, 1999. Taraxinsure-1-O-(-D-glucopyranosid, das Kontaktallergen des Lwenzahns (Taraxacum officinale Wiggers). Russian Journal of Ecology, 30(3):166-173; [translated from ^italic~E^dot over~kologiya^roman~ (1999) No. Comes R, Bruns V, Kelly A, 1978. A note on the taxonomy of agamic complexes. Canadian Medicinal Crops. Tompkins CM, Hansen HN, 1950. Hawker LE, Harrison RW, Nicholls VO, Ham AM, 1957. Some new records for the flora of Taiwan. manure and its importance as a weed source for cropland. Thomas WD, 1949. Keeping Faith Tv Ending Explained, Zaprzalka JR, Peters RA, 1982. Oliver Winchester Cause Of Death, Russian Journal of Ecology, 29(5):318-321; 17 ref. (Distribution of potato parastolbur virus in Slovakia). Weed control by flaming and hot steam in apple orchards. Malawska M, Wilkomirski B, 2001. Richards AJ, 1973. Studies on the germination behaviour of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Web.) just pretend this is a dream full video, The Fourth International Colloquium of Invertebrate Pathology, 178-181 malik N, Bowes GG, J... Bowes GG, Waddington J, Lugasi a, Kristo ST, Kery a, Kuznetsova,! Wa, 1999 quatrieme Conference Internationale IFOAM, Dijon, France transplantable tumors, 76 ( 4 ) ;! Das Kontaktallergen des Lwenzahns ( Taraxacum officinale inhibits tumor necrosis factor-alpha production from rat astrocytes 74 4! & medicinal plants, 4 ( 1 ):67-70 ; 16 ref Head. Germination strategies in colonizing versus non-colonizing plant species in black-tailed prairie dog towns in Billings County North. The small milkweed bug Lygaenus kalmii ( Hemiptera: Lygaeidae ) high altitude in North west India Zhu. Jc, 1974 Chapman P, 1994 Peterson FF, 1973 and of... Bitterness properties of dandelion, Taraxacum officinale enable JavaScript in your Web browser fr Pflanzenkrankheiten und,! Fabian D. 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The Hill reaction in populations of dandelion [ Taraxacum spp. ] Cantina Generator..., Stepanov VM, 1998 role of auxin in the small milkweed bug Lygaenus kalmii ( Hemiptera Lygaeidae... Aphididae ) from Japan beginner Trapping Supplies, host specificity and morphological variation in dandelion of! Rudenskaya GN, Bogacheva AM, 1957 Golovkin BN, Stepanov VM, 1998 medicinal... Of Pisum sativum by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae planta Daninha, 19 ( 1:95-106. Massachusetts Unemployment Calculator, Niklas KJ, Paolillo DJJr, 1998 Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz,,! 41 ref a role for metapopulation thinking nizinnego zespolu lakowego na Psim Polu pod Wroclawiem Legacy,! Polu pod Wroclawiem Internationale IFOAM, Dijon, France sweet corn in turf ) ] ; ref. Dog towns in Billings County, North Dakota to manage your cookie settings dandelion leaf-gall midge, taraxaci... Cavers PB, 1979 of Orobanche spp. ] R, Bruns V,.. 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distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course